It is not realistic to expect that you can learn everything there is to know about a Mac in one sitting. It does take some time to become familiar with all of the features on a Mac. However, the learning curve should not take a really long time. As long as you are sharp, you will become familiar with a Mac in a few weeks. No matter how long this takes, being prepared for the learning curve is the most important thing. That will allow you to organise yourself properly in case there are any pending issues that you need to deal with. Remember that upgrading your computer is similar to upgrading your car or switching phone providers. It takes a while to get used to, but once you do, it’s well worth it.
So do not expect everything to be normal and be able to shred your keyboard as soon as you turn on your new Mac computer. Give yourself some time to learn, so you will not be as frustrated with your Mac after a very short time and begin to regret your decision to switch.
2. Data Transfer
You want the things that are on your old computer to be transferred over to your new computer so this is fairly important. Before you start the data transfer process, make sure there is enough storage space on your Mac for everything on your Windows computer.
It should not be too hard to transfer data from one computer to the next. First, you will need to download the Windows Migration Assistant app. You should download the version that matches the current macOS version of your new Mac computer.
Next, open up your Mac. The setup assistant will be automatically started if it is the first time that you are starting your Mac. The option for the Open Migration Assistant will be in the utilities. Follow the prompts on the screen until you choose the device that you are transferring your data from.
Continue to follow the prompts on your screen until your Mac shows all of the folders that you would like to move to your Mac from your Windows computer. Then click on continue and the data transfer will start. How long it takes depends upon the amount of data to be transferred and the network connection speed. Videos will, by far, be the largest files you’ll be transferring. Once you have moved the data, set your password up on your new Mac computer, and you will be ready to go.
3. Learn the Mac Keyboard ShortCuts
The sooner you start to learn the Mac keyboard shortcuts, the easier using your Mac is going to be. It will, of course, take some time to get used to. However, once you get used to it, it will be completely worth it. The shortcuts are not too complicated and there are not too many of them either.
You can always have the shortcuts on a piece of paper next to your Mac computer.
First thing to know is that the Command key is the same as the Ctrl key on a Windows PC.
One of the most useful and popular keyboard shortcuts is the copy and paste function. This is similar to Windows except the key is substituted for the Ctrl key.
e.g. -C = Copy -V = Paste -X = Cut
Another thing you will need to get used to is right-clicking. Go here to learn how to do this.
4. Using Finder
Finder is the search feature on the Mac and can be found on the dock of the desktop with the icon like above. Finder is the equivalent of Windows Explorer and can help you easily find anything on your Mac. From music, photos, documents, and other types of files. The tool is especially helpful right after you transfer data from your old Windows computer.
On your screen’s right corner, there is a small magnifying glass icon . This is called Spotlight. To find things without opening Finder, click on the icon.
You can also use Spotlight as a calculator and many other things!
There are some pretty cool things hidden on Finder that you will discover after you have become familiar with your new Mac computer.
5. Explore the Mac Apps
There is a great selection of Map apps available to explore. Before downloading any paid apps, start by exploring the preloaded apps. The Web Browser on a Mac is called Safari but if you prefer you can also download Google Chrome. Safari, however, is a brilliant browser that integrates beautifully with the Password Keychain, and synchronises with your iPhone and iPad.
Fortunately, the Microsoft Office Suite can be used on a Mac. So you will be able to pick up right where you left off on your Windows computer.
Your new Mac computer comes equipped with some amazing hardware that you can take full advantage of. You can download a few movies and then watch them on your computer’s retina display. Or you can get a few business or game apps and take full advantage of the amazing processing capabilities of your Mac.
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Mar 2 2022
Seamlessly Switch from a Windows PC to a Mac
1. Be Prepared for a Learning Curve
2. Data Transfer
3. Learn the Mac Keyboard ShortCuts
First thing to know is that the Command
key is the same as the Ctrl key on a Windows PC.
-C = Copy
-V = Paste
-X = Cut
4. Using Finder
On your screen’s right corner, there is a small magnifying glass icon
. This is called Spotlight. To find things without opening Finder, click on the icon.
You can also use Spotlight as a calculator and many other things!
There are some pretty cool things hidden on Finder that you will discover after you have become familiar with your new Mac computer.
5. Explore the Mac Apps
By Mac Smart • iPhone, Tips • 0