Apr 8 2014
iPhone Help and Technical Support: Tips and Guidance
Your iPhone can be an amazing tool for entertainment and productivity, but sometimes technical issues make it painful to use. At Mac Smart, our team understands your need for a fast reliable iPhone.
Although we are happy to help with your iPhone technical support on-site at our location in Brisbane, it may be easier for you to try a few of these tips first:
- Are you worried about the amount of cellular data you are using? Some of your apps may be draining your bandwidth. Go to “Settings” – “Cellular” – “Use Cellular Data for…” to see an alphabetical list of installed apps paired with their amount of recent data usage. If you don’t want a certain app to be accessing your cellular data, just switch it to “Off.”
- If you don’t like having frequent location tracking on your phone, you can disable it by following this procedure: “Settings” – “Privacy” – “Location Services” – “System Preferences” – “Frequent Locations” – Change setting to “Off.”
- Although using Siri is a little hit and miss, there are a few ways to make it work more effectively. Make sure that you wait until the tone is finished before speaking or your voice will be missed. To get the current time, just activate Siri and ask “What time is it?”
For more complex iPhone help and technical support, give us a call or email. We can help you with almost any mac technical support issue including iPhone technical issues from set-up to syncing to app problems and more. Don’t let your iPhone stress you out, let us restore it to the entertaining and easy-to-use device you paid for!
Call us on 1300 622 762
Dan Cleal
August 9, 2020 @ 11:08 pm
Hi I’m trying to find someone to help me with my iPhone 8.i have some questions in relation to photos in my camera roll
Mac Smart
August 10, 2020 @ 2:17 pm
Hi Dan
We’d be happy to help you out. I’ve sent you an email to see if we can connect that way, or please call on 1300 622 762.